About Us

Vyapaar Vistaar is a tech-based distribution start-up focused on supply chain innovation to foster sustainable business growth in FMCG segment across India. We are setting up a pan India distribution network with an aim to provide instant and direct retail market access of rural towns and villages to the companies.

We help our business partners to have competitive advantage by providing the best operational expertise in the market with the support of technology which ultimately helps them in scaling the business.

Through our tele-order booking solution and strong knowledge of the market we are here to disrupt the traditional way of distribution.

Our aim is to create seamless flow of products from brands to consumers and overcome the limitations of traditional retail distribution.

Our Growth Story

The Vyapaar Vistaar Advantages

Last Mile reach

Reaching the in-depth rural market and making win-win situation for Company and Partners.

Sales Contribution

Providing Additional Sales to Companies and Partner by providing new markets and sale of fringe SKUs.

Brand Awareness

Increasing of Brand Awareness among rural India by giving better and smooth service to rural consumer and making product available on each stores.

Our Brands

Here are brands that are our own manufacturing offering quality products crafted exclusively for retailers, reflecting value and uniqueness tailored to our customers.

Associated Brands

We are happily expanding our retail reach and leading the growth for our associated brands,
Below are some of our key brands who are associated with us.

Brands Available

Here are some brands which are available with us making the complete product basket for
Retailers to buy on a single point. Below are some key offerings

Our Offerings

  • Complete Distribution Solution

  • Market Development
  • Sales Team Management
  • Tele Order Booking
  • Right Market Feedback
  • Managing & setting up the distribution network
  • Real Time Market Update
  • Tech-based Order Booking

  • Managing and Creating of Distribution Network
  • Complete Retail Market Coverage
  • Enhanced services to retailers
  • Tele Booking of order directly from retailers
  • Increased reach and range in rural markets
  • Saving Inventory cost for retailer

Complete Distribution Solution Features

Tech Based Order Booking Solution Features

Outlet Enrollment

Every relevant outlet is geo tagged and enrolled for tech-based order booking beat by the sales team.

Tele Beat

Outlets are called on a fixed frequency from centralized center at the retailer’s preferred time.

Order Fulfillment

Orders are auto-routed to the concerned distributor’s app, who delivers it the next day.

Issues Resolution

Issues captured on calls are assigned to on field sales team sales team for quick resolution.

Market Placement

On field sales team sales team to work on new outlets addition; and increase range on existing outlets.

How Does Our Solution Add Values

  • Sales growth due to increase reach and range

    Increase market coverage along with pre-booked orders of complete range lead to exponential sales growth.
  • Reduced cost of sales and distribution

    We look after sales and distribution network, hence companies don’t need to invest in network creation and managing sales team.
  • Complete visibility of retail level sales trend

    Retailer wise sales data can be analysed to identify sales trend. Also, controlled communication in market will yield better result.
  • Better Production Planning

    Accurate retail level sales data will help in monitoring stock movement and thus, better production planning.
    • Efficient utilization of resources

      With increase range selling by tele-calling and new outlets addition by on-field sales team, lead to efficient resource utilization.
    • No Stock dumping

      Primary orders for distributors are placed on the basis of pre defined stock norms based on retail level sales data.
    • Better Sales convert to increase ROI

      Lesser investment in stock and efficient resource utilization translates into increase in ROI.
    • Visibility of product, schemes and price

      Retailers are getting complete visibility of the company’s product portfolio along with schemes and rates.
    • Quick issue resolution

      All retailers issues raised on calls are monitored and solved on priority.
    • Enhanced Services

      Retailers get call on fixed frequency and orders are delivered next day. Constant service means less hassle and better experience.

Customer Testimonial

What people say about us

Contact Us

Contact Vyappar Vistaar team for Any Suggestions/feedback.

Get In touch

If you would like to distribute your products through us, drop us a line!
